In 2013 I embarked on researching the history of my family.
First, I wanted to know a little more about who I was. Not just concerning parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews. I also wanted to learn about those who have come before - my grandparents, great grandparents and so on. I asked myself; who were my ancestors? Where did they come from? How did they live? What languages did they speak? What work did they do? And much more.
Second, I wished to create something which I hoped would be useful and interesting to other family members, not just those now living but those to come after. I have always had a keen interest in history, but wouldn’t it be cool to have a view of the past in which one's own family were the main protagonist?
Last, I hoped to bring the family closer together. The number of times I’ve heard my parents talk about relatives that I’ve never met. This would be an opportunity to start communicating with those related to me living in other parts of the world.
[In the photo: With my four grandchildren during the summer of 2023.]
I'm very pleased to announce that we had a very successful first Family Reunion in St Lucia from 30 July to 3 August 2018.
Our events included the following...
30th July
1st August
2nd August
We completed another successful Family Reunion in St Lucia from 29 July to 2 August 2024.
Our events included the following...
This brochure details the events taking place over the four days.
To commemorate our 2024 Family Reunion in St Lucia, this design was created by one of our family members.
29th July
31st July
1st August
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